Tuesday 19 August 2008

Tea is Better than Penicillin

In my time here I have discovered that no beverage sums up a nation better than tea does for Britain. Sure they drink alcohol, and lots of it. The French have their wine, Americans have coffee and soda, but I don't think there is anywhere in the world where almost every aspect and circumstance or event can be tied to a single beverage. In fact when I mentioned the title of this post to some British friends of mine I received no argument.

If you're cold, have a nice cup of tea. If you're hot, have a nice cup of tea. They swear that the hot tea cools you off, "cleans your pores". I have trouble following this logic when it warms you up as well, but don't argue just say thank you and drink it. There is yet to be a situation that couldn't be fixed with a nice cup of tea. 

A few weeks back I had to have a minor procedure that required a little local anesthetic. Once it was all finished, I gathered up my belongings and made my way to the door. Promptly I was stopped by my nurse. She looked very worried. "Oh no dear, you can't leave yet, you've not had _____". I thought she was going to say " a doctor check you out" or "your sign-out papers" or "enough time since the procedure to make sure you're all right". No, what she said was "...you've not had tea and biscuits". I was not allowed to leave the hospital because I had not been witnessed consuming tea and biscuits. Swiftly I was lead into a waiting room with other patients who were already drinking their tea and eating their biscuits. I was  given tea and a choice of biscuits. Once consumed I was allowed to leave.

I'm sure that I'll touch on the subject of tea many times, but here is one tip: If you're ever in a awkward situation with a Brit, the best thing you can say is "I'll go and put the kettle on".


Laura said...

Tea works quicker than painkiller, and is cheaper. Let's hear it for tea!!!!

Unknown said...

Haha....My friend who grew up in Scotland used to drink tea all the time but has now graduated to coffee. Either he has now become ingratiated into the American way of life or is a caffeine junkie like myself.


- Beanpole

Julie said...

It seems as though tea is to Britain as coffee is to Colombia...or so I have learned since marrying Christian. ha!

Marina said...

So, if you get in a fight with your husband, you can get a nice cup of tea and then pour it over his head.
Then you will feel better! I guess it does work.


Marina said...
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Unknown said...

so, since I haven't been to The British Isles yet, is there a particular type of Tea that is considered British? I'm assuming it isn't Sweet Tea, since you mention it is hot. Will just any hot water and teabag do? Is it blasphemy to say that?

Gordy Kenmuir said...

I am looking forward to reading more of your thoughts, I wonder if we will have similar thoughts as to the differences. I have added your blog to my blog roll.

Michael Vega said...

mmmm.... mushy peas.