Monday 18 August 2008


Hello and welcome to my blog. 

I don't waste enough time on the computer yet so I thought I'd sign myself up for another activity. 

This will be  a chronicle or journal of observations of an American living in Britain. I'm not trying to please anyone, or offend either, I'm just going to tell as  I see it.

I've been living in Britain for 6 years now have finally started to feel comfortable here. There are things that still bother me, or that I find irksome since my emigration. To be fair, there are lots of things in the States that I now find annoying which I didn't while living there.

So here I go.... I hope you enjoy reading this, especially if you're American and want to live here, or if your British and wonder what your world looks like to an outsider.


Unknown said...

Hi Emily. Congratulations on the launching of your blog. I'm sure your insights will be informative as well as entertaining. As someone who may very well move there, I'm looking forward to reading your observations. See you soon. Cheerio.

Julie said...

love this...your writing always cracks me up!

Drew Ross said...

Love it! We are reading everything on here. We'll be arriving in England sometime between January and April. We look forward to more.